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AMEdmItemsUI object

The AMEdmItemsUI object provides common implementations for commands issued by client application.

Supported Interfaces

IAMEdmItemsUIMenu interface

IAMEdmItemsUIPersist interface

IAMEdmItemsUICommands interface


The sample code below demonstrates how to use an AMEdmItemsUI object.

AMEdmItemsUI is a client-side object. Before it can be used, it must be initialized with a reference to the hosting client application.


The InvokeEDMUICommand procedure can be used to invoke a built-in command on the EDMUI client library from a UIExtension command.

The command argument should be a value from the AMEDMITEMS_VERBS constants (for example, AMIV_CREATEDRAFT).

Note    To find AMEDMITEMS_VERBS in the object browser, you need to select Show Hidden Members.

Public Sub InvokeEDMUICommand( _
        dsg As IAMUIExtensionDesigner,  _
        ByVal CurrentObject As Object,  _
        ByVal command As AMEDMUI.AMEDMITEMS_VERBS,  _
        ByVal hwnd As Long)
    On Error GoTo error_handler

    ' Create the AMEdmItemsUI instance
    Dim ui As New AMEdmItemsUI
    Dim menu As IAMEdmItemsUIMenu
    Dim pers As IAMEdmItemsUIPersist

    ' Initialize the AMEdmItemsUI object
    Set pers = ui
    pers.Init CurrentObject, 0, dsg.GetHostService(SERVICE_PROVIDER)

    ' Invoke the command on the IAMEdmItemsUIMenu interface
    Set menu = pers
    menu.InvokeCommand hwnd, command

    Set menu = Nothing
    Set pers = Nothing
    Set ui = Nothing

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub